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Mail formats for alerts

Hi all,

Having got the alerts working, I have been looking at the mail formats
available. Since I will be configuring my alerts to use email I have not
examined the script or SMS versions yet.

The default TEXT format sends an email with all the info I need in it,
but the errors at the top look like this:

red Tue Jul  1 03:32:23 BST 2008 - Processes NOT ok
&green /opt/InfoVista/Agent/jre/bin/java (found 1, req. between 1 and 1)
&green /opt/InfoVista/Agent/bin/wrapper (found 1, req. between 1 and 1)
&green /opt/InfoVista/VistaMart/bin/vmnotifier.sh (found 1, req. between
1 and 1) &red tnslsnr (found 2, req. between 1 and 1) &green oracleIVDB
(found 25, req. between 1 and 99) &green ora_lgwr_IVDB (found 1, req.
between 1 and 99)

I get an alert on the first line and all the monitored processes on the
second, so I have to pick and choose to find the one that's a problem
(tnslsnr in this case). Being lazy<bs><bs><bs><bs> someone who wants to
use technology to help them I would like any/all of the following:

1. Have the HTML page emailed to me in MIME format, so I can view it
even if I don't have a permanent internet connection (format=HTML?)
2. Have the alert highlighted in the colour for their status, so at
least I can see the error line quickly (format=MIME?)
3. Have the alerts displayed on per line, so at least I can more easily
spot the alert text. Henrik, is this possible to do? Have you already
done/planned this in the next version? I'm willing to have a poke at it
myself but it may take some time.

I am currently thinking that maybe I will need to write a script that
will parse the data and generate a MIME-format email along the lines of
2. above... unless someone has already done this?

What thoughts have you all?


Martin Ward
Network Systems Operations Specialist
DDI:	+44 (0) 20 7863 5218
Fax: 	+44 (0) 20 7863 5610
Mob: 	+44 (0) 7971 97 77 21

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