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Re: [hobbit] Hobbit compatible temperature monitor

On Wednesday 25 June 2008 17:28:01 Eric Boyd wrote:
> I am looking to add temperature graphs to hobbit.
> What should I use to monitor and graph the temperature of our server room?
> None of our servers report any temperature readings in the client data.

What servers are these? Any recent HP or Dell servers, if you have their 
respective agents (HPASM or OMSA) installed, should allow you to monitor 
their temperatures via snmp, e.g. with Devmon + Hobbit you should be able to 
get graphs for each temperature probe.

> We have some APC battery backups that have environmental monitors built
> in,

Can you get the temperature data via SNMP? The existing templates for APC 
devices in devmon don't have any 'temp' test, but if the data is there that 
can be fixed.
