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ver 4.3 and socket server

Hi folks, I want to make a simple demo that shows a proof-of-concept,
and I need some advice and news of possible hobbit 4.3 ver socket

I have an embedded linux device and a linux server. I have installed
both hobbit server and client ver 4.2 successfully.

Now what I want to show is a socket server running on the client ( the
embedded device) pushing data to the hobbit server, and thence to my
browser on a third machine. I have built a crude socket server for the
hobbit client  that will do for the demo. So I need to listen on a
socket at the server, and write the data to the web page.

1) Is there any fundamental issue that I need to know about, or can I
just slog through the man pages and code and get what I want?
2) Any suggestions that would help me out?
3) I don't see CVS instructions for getting the tip of the tree- is
there a beta 4.3 that might help me?

thanks very much