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Help: Bogus ack message from...

Hi all,

I have a test hobbit setup where I am running on hobbitd on a virtual IP
(4.2 all in one patch applied). The hobbit web interface is also sitting in
a DMZ with an apache reverse proxy sitting in front of it. Everything
appears to be working fine but when I acknowledge an alert via the web
interface, it does not appear to work...

I get this message in the hobbitd log file

2008-06-14 16:23:36 Bogus ack message from 'hobbitdack 399258 45
test '

This is from going to /hobbit-seccgi/bb-ack.sh, typing in a duration against
one of the hosts (45 minutes) and specifying a cause of "test", then
pressing send.

If I perform a bb hobbitdboard I can confirm that 399258 is the
active cookie for the alert. I suspect that it may be related to the way I
have hobbit installed.

Any ideas?


Tel: 0400 466 952
Fax: 0433 123 226
email: philwild AT gmail.com