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RE: [hobbit] RE:[hobbit] No disk and cpu status from Linux and Solaris clients

If the clients are listed on the ghost list, then your problem is a mismatch between the name the client is using and what you have set for it in your bb-hosts file.  There are several ways to fix this.  

One way is to update the client startup command to add option for telling the client what name to use.  I forget the parameter, but you can spot it quickly by looking at the client startup script.  This requires touching every host where you have a client, but the fix is permanent, because the client will use whatever name you tell it to use forever.  

Another way to deal with it is to add the client tag for each missing host in the bb-hosts file.  This qualifies as a Cheap Fix (tm) because you only have to edit one file, and you can simply read through your ghost list report and make the updates.  The fix will last until the client decides to use a different name some day.

A third way it so figure out why the client thinks it uses one name and your bb-hosts file uses another, and then get them lined up.  This is the path of "correctness" which may appeal to you if you are a purist.


-----Original Message-----
From: humphb (at) gmx.net [mailto:humphb (at) gmx.net] 
Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 4:39 AM
To: hobbit (at) hswn.dk
Subject: [hobbit] RE:[hobbit] No disk and cpu status from Linux and Solaris clients

Yes, the clients are listed in the ghost list. And now? I've build own clients for each architecture. For Debian Etch the hobbit-client package, for Suse9  and for Solaris I've build a own client nad fior the win-client bbwin. All excl. the bbwin based on version 4.2 incl. allinone Patch.


>It sounds like the agents on your other clients are not reporting in 
>correctly.  Check your ghost list.  The tests you are getting status 
>for are network tests that are executed centrally, usually by the 
>Hobbit server.
>You have to build a client for each architecture.

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Humph Rey [mailto:humphb (at) gmx.net]
>Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 11:19 AM
>To: hobbit (at) hswn.dk
>Subject: [hobbit] No disk and cpu status from Linux and Solaris clients
>I'm running a hobbit server on OS X . It should monitor various OS X , 
>Linux and Solaris machines. From OS X clients I get all stats, from 
>Linux (Debian, Suse) and Solaris clients I get only conn, info, ssh and 
>trends . But there I get no  disk or cpu stats. Any idea.
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