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RE: [hobbit] hobbit-alerts multi service for a recipient

Do I need to separate with coma ? is it correct ?




Stéphane Boisvert

Administrateur Systèmes Senior 

Senior System Administrator


4200 St-Laurent, #1203 Montreal (Quebec) H2W 2R2

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From: Johann Eggers [mailto:Johann.Eggers (at) teleatlas.com] 
Sent: 11 juin 2008 14:33
To: hobbit (at) hswn.dk
Subject: AW: [hobbit] hobbit-alerts multi service for a recipient



You can use the EXSERVICE tag to exclude unwanted services...

- Johann

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Stephane Boisvert [mailto:sboisvert (at) hralloy.com]
Gesendet: Mi 11.06.2008 20:02
An: hobbit (at) hswn.dk
Betreff: [hobbit] hobbit-alerts multi service for a recipient

Hi I have the following rule into my hobbit-alerts.cfg file:

PAGE=%prod.* COLOR=red SERVICE=!msgs,!rdp

        MAIL=my (at) email.com  COLOR=red REPEAT=10m RECOVERED DURATION>1m

I would like to know if the SERVICE=  tag is correctly declared ...
anyone have idea ?  I want all Red but not MSGS or RDP sent to the

