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RE: [hobbit] Duplicating a host ?

We do a simpler version of this in my company but we manage it using different IP addresses. The client itself reports out through one interface and the network-accessible devices (mail, dns and the like) are tested using a different IP address. You configure the two different IP addresses and different server names and you then have two separate Hobbit devices.


	-----Original Message-----
	From: xavier.pajona (at) steria.com [mailto:xavier.pajona (at) steria.com] 
	Sent: 11 June 2008 10:46
	To: hobbit (at) hswn.dk
	Subject: [hobbit] Duplicating a host ?

	Hi all, 
	I have a little issue that maye you can help me with. 
	I monitor a server, and for a specific reason, I need it to appear in two differents hobbit pages, but with different names and different process check. 
	The reason is that I need to monitor quite a lot of process for that server, but I also need to create a combotest that includes the "procs" element of that same server, and for that combotest I want only a limited numer of procs to appear. 
	I thought that using the CLIENT: tag in the bb-hosts would allow me to duplicate the host, but it doesn't seem to work. 
	Does anyone have an idea on how to do this ? 
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