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Re: [hobbit] Virtual IP's

Hi Henri,

we have all bb-clients (and the server) running as a virtual host. What we did: Modyfying runclient.sh in the way that clientlaunch is replaced by clientlaunch.${MACHINE}. $MACHINE is the name of the virtual host and is set as you like in a script started by runclient.sh, so every process invokes the virtual hostname. Each client uses its own file clientlaunch.<$MACHINE>.cfg or - if no virtual hostname is set - a common config-file. This is working fine if only one virtual host is running on the machine. If there are two or more, you'll get errors in the rrd-logs because sometimes the same machine is sending data for different hosts which is not accepted by hobbit. We haven't found a workaround for that, the only way seems to run more then one hobbit installation what we don't want to do.



Can anybody assist me in setting up the hobbitclient for a virtual IP. We have applications that belong to service-groups with a virtual IP for each service-group.. We have three clustered servers that these applications can run on. So does not matter on what server the service-group/application runs it is always the same IP. I would like the hobbitclient to follow the virtual IP to what ever machine it is running on.


*Henri Taute*
*Media24 Content Production*
*Tel: +27 21 4062495*
*Fax: +27 21 4063143*
*Cell: +28 82 8276124*
*E-mail: htaute (at) media24.co.za*


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