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AIX client - can someone confirm a "ps" command?

I'm modifying the client "ps" command to provide information 
about processes CPU- and memory-usage, so that sometime in
the (not so distant) future Hobbit can track these and perhaps
warn if a process becomes a cpu-hog.

I have gotten most of the OS'es that Hobbit supports, but I
need someone with an AIX box to confirm that this "ps" command works,
and provides information about the ressource usage for all processes on
the box:

  ps axww -o pid,ppid,user,stat,pri,pcpu,time,pmem,rss,vsz,cmd

This was constructed from an AIX man-page I found on the 'net (and
it is very much like the others). One thing that puzzled me is that AIX
apparently does not support reporting the start-time of a process.
It that really correct ? And if not, what is the keyword for this ?

And while I have the attention of you AIX people out there: If someone
could grab the latest snapshot and build me a Hobbit client for AIX 5.3
I would really appreciate it - I need to install a client on such boxes,
but I would have to get the development tools setup first.
