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deleting history of a test


I had added a test that after some thinking was not reaally needed.
I decided to delete it, and its history.
I looked at tips and tricks, and tried to run '~/server/bin/bb "drop HOSTNAME dns" ', which did not work apparently.
So I went into the ~/data directory, and deleted in hist, histlogs and logs all the data concerning this test.
However, on the main page, I still had the test, which was no longer updated, but still existed.

It took me some time to find that in ~/server/tmp/ there is a file named hobbitd.chk which does not disappear when you stop/start hobbit.
Deleting this file apparently forced hobbit to recreate it, and this time my deleted test had disappeared.

Is that the expected behaviour ?

Regards, and keep up the great work you re doing on Hobbit.


-- _____________________________________________________________________________ Stephane Caminade Administrateur Systèmes et Réseau \ <Stephane.Caminade (at) medoc-ias.u-psud.fr> Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale / tel : (33) (1) 69 85 87 03 Batiment 121, Universite Paris XI \ fax : (33) (1) 69 85 86 75 F-91405 ORSAY Cedex / www : http://www.medoc-ias.u-psud.fr/
