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Re: [hobbit] Slightly OT: External Perl Script



This may be slightly off topic, but I figured that there is someone here
that can help.  Over the past weekend I wrote my first Perl script to
replace a number of aging shell scripts that I had.  What I have done is
written Perl scripts to query Liebert UPS systems, Netbotz environment
monitors and Juniper SSL VPN appliances.  Needless to say I am now a
believer in how much faster Perl is than shell.  My scripts dropped from
about almost two minutes to run to 8 seconds.

I can see all of the output when I print to screen so I know that it is
polling everything okay.  The problem that I am having is getting Perl
to send this data to Hobbit.  It is just a formatting issue as I can
have it send plain text fine, but I am trying to send HTML to create
nice looking status pages.  I have looked at previous scripts, but they
all use the BigBrother.pm module and I would like to get this working
without that.  I am by no means a programmer but this problem is going
to bother me until I can get it working.

Perhaps someone could provide just a bit of Perl guidance?  The portion
of the code that I think it is getting hung up on is the colons in the
HTML, but I am not sure.

sub sendupdates {

$msg = <<EOM;
<!-- Created with Version 3 of the Liebert Test Script-->
<table border=\"0\" align=\"center\" id=\"table1\"
style=\"height: 197px; width: 649px;\">
     <th align=\"center\">
     <hr width=\"100%\"></th>

< snip other HTML >



my $now = localtime($^T) . "\n";

if ($debug eq "yes"){
       print "------------------- Time Stamp --------------------\n";
       print "Time Stamp: $now\n";
       print "------------------- HTML Output -------------------\n";
       print $msg;

system("$bb $bbhost \"status ${bbhostname}.ups $color $now ${msg}\"");


The error messages that our output to the screen give the following:

bb: incorrect number of arguments
Format: <IP-ADDR> <DATA>
sh: line 5: width:: command not found
sh: line 13: >

I'm no perl guru, but it seems that the double quotes in your text aren't masked with escapes any more while your message is interpreted by the hobbit server. So hobbit doesn't know what to do with the rest and the shell tries to deal with the rest. Perhaps give that a try: replace all \" by \\\"


then there are also a lot of the following messages:

sh: line 14: > </div>
     <table id=table2 style=width:: No such file or directory
sh: line 14: height:: command not found
sh: line 17: >
           <th width=267style=font-weight:: command not found
sh: line 17: text-align:: command not found
sh: line 18: >Hostname:</th>

Thanks in advance for any help.

Robert Taylor

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