There are two webservers being monitored by hobbit (among many other
different servers).
Both have bb-hosts entries that are nearly identical. Both have the
same version of the client on them (4.1.2p1). Both seem to be working
perfectly well in all other respects - both internal (CPU, disk etc)
and external (conn, http) tests seem to be working, and have graphs.
However on one, the apache trends show up as expected, and on the
other, they have stopped graphing. Current values for the graphless
one are good ol' "nan," but *just* for the 4 apache trend graphs -
Utilization, Workers, CPU Ut and RPS.
All other trend graphs are there.
Historical data for before the sudden loss of graphing is there (i.e.,
about a week ago the graphing stopped - 12 day graph shows data before
this cutoff).
Nothing has changed, been added, or modified as far as i can tell.
What am i missing..?