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Re: [hobbit] todays snapshot (060220)

----- Original Message ----- From: "Henrik Stoerner" <henrik (at) hswn.dk>
To: <hobbit (at) hswn.dk>
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 7:36 AM
Subject: Re: [hobbit] todays snapshot (060220)

Odd - I haven't touched that for several days now. Could you
send me the URL you use to trigger this, together with the

All URL's trigger it, but this is one

bb-hosts entry for that host, leopg9 # BBDISPLAY BBPAGER BBNET bbd clamd dig=A:leopg9.no-ip
.org,PTR: http://leopg9/ http://leopg9:10000 ftp pop3 sm
tp telnet apache= LARRD:*,apache:apacheöapa

and the output from
 bb "hobbitdlog host=HOSTNAME test=COLUMNNAME"

$ ./bb "hobbitdlog host=leopg9 test=bbtest" leopg9öbbtestögreenöö1140418443ö1140418682ö1140420482ö0ö0ö192.168.0.2ö-1öööY green Mon Feb 20 07:57:50 2006

bbtest-net version 4.2pre

Hosts total           :       11
Hosts with no tests   :        0
Total test count      :       33
Status messages       :       31
Alert status msgs     :        0
Transmissions         :        4

DNS statistics:
# hostnames resolved  :       12
# succesful           :       11
# failed              :        1
# calls to dnsresolve :       30

TCP test statistics:
# TCP tests total     :       20
# HTTP tests          :        8
# Simple TCP tests    :       12
# Connection attempts :       20
# bytes written       :      830
# bytes read          :    26929

TIME SPENT Event Starttime Duration bbtest-net startup 1140418670.996909 - Service definitions loaded 1140418671.009190 0.012281 Tests loaded 1140418671.023437 0.014247 DNS lookups completed 1140418671.024941 0.001504 Test engine setup completed 1140418671.073608 0.048667 TCP tests completed 1140418681.996429 10.922821 PING test completed (8 hosts) 1140418682.023901 0.027472 PING test results sent 1140418682.053895 0.029994 Test result collection completed 1140418682.053950 0.000055 LDAP test engine setup completed 1140418682.053963 0.000013 LDAP tests executed 1140418682.053978 0.000015 LDAP tests result collection completed 1140418682.053993 0.000015 DIG tests executed 1140418682.188312 0.134319 Test results transmitted 1140418682.236552 0.048240 bbtest-net completed 1140418682.572176 0.335624 TIME TOTAL 11.575267 $

Which version of the code were you running that worked OK?
I don't know which was the latest working version. The verssion I am running is from 060208 (I think)
I have had a lot of problems with my server. I destroyed the filesystem, and have reinstalled everything.
(hobbit, snort, clam, postfix, qpopper..........). That's why I have an old version.
I have an old tarfile that I install when the new version of hobbit crashes.

Thanks, Henrik

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