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[hobbit] bug, alarming on memory?

I suppose I am the only one, who cannot get the memory settings to fire in hobbit-clients.cfg?

Here is a little snippet from bbcmd:

hobbit (at) hobbit:/export/home/hobbit/server> bin/bbcmd hobbitd_client --test
2005-08-22 23:30:36 Using default environment file /export/home/hobbit/server/etc/hobbitserver.cfg
Hostname (.=end, ?=dump, !=reload) []: myHost05
Test (cpu, mem, disk, proc): mem
Phys: Yellow at 100, red at 101
Swap: Yellow at 90, red at 95
Act.: Yellow at 90, red at 98

Here is the definition:

	PROC "%someproc" 1 1
        PROC "%another proc" 1 1
        PHYS 90 95
        MEMSWAP 50 65
        DISK / 90 95
        DISK "%^/home/.*" 95 98
        LOAD 18.0 22.0

# These are the built-in defaults.
UP      1h
LOAD    5.0 10.0
DISK    * 90 95
MEMACT  90 98

There are numerous other missing, non-firing entries like these:

DISK / 90 95
DISK %^/home/.* 95 98
LOAD 18.00 22.00

Should these have HOST entries after them when you do a dump with bbcmd? Like the following from the same dump? Perhaps commenting out PROC entries is causing the parsing to lose track of where it is?

DISK / 90 95 HOST=%aNewHost05
DISK %^/home/.* 95 98 HOST=%aNewHost05
MEMSWAP 90 95 HOST=%aNewHost05
LOAD 18.00 22.00 HOST=%aNewHost05

I am on the snapshot from the 21st, I have been trying them daily hoping for a fix. May be my .cfg is corrupt some how?

-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [hobbit] bug, alarming on memory? Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 18:29:26 +0000 From: David Gore <David.Gore (at) mci.com> To: hobbit (at) hswn.dk

Shouldn't I get a warning alarm.  There are no specific MEMxxx settings
in hobbit-clients.cfg for this specific host, but it fails to work for
the hosts where I do have MEMxxx settings.

Physical           5903M       6144M         96%
Swap               3679M      17356M         21%

# These are the built-in defaults.
UP      1h
LOAD    5.0 10.0
DISK    * 90 95
SWAP    90 95
MEMACT  90 98

I have never received a memory alarm, and I do have several hosts using
more than 90% CPU, quite a number more than 95%.  Where should I look?

-- David Gore (v965-3670) Enhanced Technology Support (ETS) Network Management Systems (NMS) IMPACT Transport Team Lead - SCSA, SCNA Page: 1-800-PAG-eMCI pin 1406090 Vnet: 965-3676

-- David Gore (v965-3670) Enhanced Technology Support (ETS) Network Management Systems (NMS) IMPACT Transport Team Lead - SCSA, SCNA Page: 1-800-PAG-eMCI pin 1406090 Vnet: 965-3676