[Xymon] xymon checking wrong SSL cert on CNAME

betsys at well.com betsys at well.com
Thu Jun 13 06:40:28 CEST 2024


We have a website at a third-party  hosting company, where our site
https://www.example.com <http://www.example.com>   is a cname for
something.hosting.com  (not the real name)

We have a LetsEncrypt cert issued for www.example.com
<http://www.example.com> .


The cert wasn't updating, but xymon did not alert , because xymon is
apparently evaluating the CNAME and then checking the cert for hosting.com
(which has a wildcard cert *.hosting.com)


How do we make xymon check the cert for www.example.com
<http://www.example.com>  , other than writing our own script? I think this
is a fairly common setup for hosted websites

(for a minute I thought about adding an A record but that would be wrong on
multiple levels) 


/home/xymon/server/etc/hosts.cfg has 

x.x.x.x  www.example.com # noconn httpstatus;http://www.example.com/;301;


(where x.x.x.x is the actual IP)


Running xymon 4.3.30 on Alma 8


Thanks very much! 


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