Can XYMSRV be a fqdn/hostname not an IP

Ian Diddams didds3 at
Tue Feb 13 16:53:15 CET 2024

simple question...  as time marches on etc has xymon/hobbit reached a stage yet when XYMSRV can be set to a hostname rather than an IP address?

eg  rather than


we could have

XYMSRV = "xymonhost"

where "xymonhost" resolves in dns to

This would be a huge benefit where anytime a xymon server is migrated to another system eg underling EOL OS, one wouldn't have to go around changing every single client server's xymon configs to a new Ip...  all that would be required is a reset in an appropriate dns zonefile so dns just provides the new IP after the TTL passes etc.


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