[Xymon] /snap/core/* Filesystems NOT ok

Adam Thorn alt36 at cam.ac.uk
Mon Sep 4 18:09:00 CEST 2023

On 04/09/2023 14:00, Becker Christian wrote:
> Hello there,
> in our setup, for every single host that has these snap-things, we have:
> HOST=hostname
>              DISK    %^/snap/.+ IGNORE
>              INODE   %^/snap/.+ IGNORE
> And nothing with a wildcard.
> Think i can remember that if you have an entry with a wildcard, and after that another entry with an explicit hostname, that last found explicit entry COULD override the one with the wildcard; but not really sure about that, but worth a try.

See "man analysis.cfg":

"The  entire  file  is evaluated from the top to bottom, and the first 
match found is used. So you should put the specific settings first, and 
the generic ones last."

A line for "DISK *" thus risks masking later rules for any "DISK 
/name/of/mountpoint", subject to how the HOST/PAGE/etc matching rules 
are defined.

You can test this with an example analysis.cfg file by running

xymond_client --config=/tmp/analysis.cfg --test

which will give you an interactive prompt to see how your analysis.cfg 
is working.  (NB it seems that the argument order matters; if you want 
to specify an experimental config file rather than using the default 
then the --config option has to come first, at least on a Ubuntu 20.04 

If I use:

== begin bad analysis.cfg ==
   DISK * 90 95

   DISK %^/snap/.+ IGNORE
== end bad analysis.cfg ==

then the default thresholds of 90/95% are applied to /snap/test. But 
swapping the order:

== begin good analysis.cfg ==
   DISK %^/snap/.+ IGNORE

   DISK * 90 95
== end good analysis.cfg ==

means the first ("IGNORE") rule gets matched first for /snap/test as 


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