[Xymon] Checking clients from two proxies simultaneously

Christoph Zechner zechner at vrvis.at
Mon Jul 12 15:04:52 CEST 2021


I've got a few clients in a separate subnet which I want to check via 
two xymon servers (= proxies with multiple network interfaces) which 
then send the results to a central xymon server.

Client: X
Proxy 1: A
Proxy 2: B
Xymon Server: C

So A and B have their own network checks defined in tasks.cfg [1] for 
multiple networks, in this case "mgmt". Both A and B report their result 
for X to Server C, which works fine, as long as A and B are responsive.

If either A or B fail to successfully connect to X, connection checks on 
C turn red and fail. According to an old mailing list entry [2] all the 
checks' results should be merged at the server, or did I misunderstand?

I thought as long as A or B can connect fine to X, everything in xymon 
should be fine, because after all, target X is up. Is there any other 
way to achieve what I am trying to do?

Thanks in advance!

Best regards
Christoph Zechner

     ENVFILE /usr/lib/xymon/server/etc/xymonserver.cfg
     CMD XYMONNETWORK=mgmt xymonnet --report --ping --checkresponse 
     INTERVAL 5m

[2] https://lists.xymon.com/archive/2006-May/006833.html

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