[Xymon] Ignoring Veeam Backup filesystems

Robert Herron robert.herron at gmail.com
Mon Feb 8 16:38:50 CET 2021

I'm deploying Veeam Backup & Replication to perform systems.  I have a few
Linux hosts that require being backed up via the local agent instead of
using a VM-based backup.   The backups run in the middle of the night as
you might expect.  2AM Sunday, I received a full filesystem alarm on a
Linux host I'm testing.  It cleared in the next test sweep 5 minutes later
but the unnecessarily alarms woke me up.  I want to minimize that from

The Veeam agent creates and mounts devices under /tmp for the backup.  The
df line from the filesystem alarm looks like:
Filesystem       1024-blocks    Used Available  Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/veeamimage7     4128448 4026052         0      100%

The actual filesystem name is different on each host.  I assume it's based
on the host's BIOS UUID or the block ID.  I don't want to add individual
lines for each host.

I want to add the following line to my analysis.cfg in the "CLASS=linux"

1.)  Is this regex valid for the analysis.cfg?
2.)  Is there a better way to handle this?


Robert Herron
robert.herron at gmail.com
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