[Xymon] SPLITNCV with wildcard because of multiple graphs from one test

Oliver R. r.oliver at web.de
Wed Oct 14 14:49:24 CEST 2020

Am 01.10.20 um 15:58 schrieb Damien Martins:
> Ok Oliver,
> I understand your point now: you want to use wildcard related to the
> dataset name. Hence, we have to validate this is possible...
> I could not find anything pointing to wildcard usage in define the
> dataset name, in this documentation:
> https://xymon.sourceforge.io/xymon/help/howtograph.html
> I'm not a C guy, hence I'll consider documentation only: if there is no
> mention, it does not exist.
> You could try to handle manually (awful answer I know) the serial number
> of your NVMe's ?
> Or better: contribute to the code (answer from someone lazy who won't)

If it was written in shell code, I probably could contribute, but I
don't know anything about C ... The magic lies in xymond/rrd/do_ncv.c (I

I ended up setting "GAUGE" which creates all RRDs with this type and
then I deleted all RRDs that need to be "DERIVE". Changed the config,
restarted server and client and now everything is as it should... It's
not ideal, but ok as a workaround.

It's really scary to see that my desktop sending about 12 write commands
per second to the SSD's. This results in 2% wear per week. Ok, it's only
256GB SSD and it hosts two operating systems 24/7, but nevertheless its
not a good thing. I moved Firefoxs profile entirely to a ramdisk,
because sqlite files like history and cookies grate the SSDs ... Maybe
running BTRFS in Raid 1 was a wrong decision? Don't really know.



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