[Xymon] Configuring a red alert for: Machine recently rebooted

M. Mueller m.mueller at theearlytimes.de
Mon May 25 15:44:23 CEST 2020

I tried to configure an alert that should stay red for one hour after a 
The toolonglimit should be infinite. My analysis.conf contains:

         UP 1h -1  red

This leads to a red cpu status:

"Machine has been up more than 0 days"

Obviously the toolonglimit of -1 isn't working as I expected it.

dump-config shows 0 in thetoolong-column:

bbrother at xymon:~/server $ bin/xymond_client --dump-config | grep UP
UP 3600 0 HOST=hal (line: 358)

  tested under 4.3.28 (the dump-config test showed the same result under 

Is this the expected behaviour? I worked around it by specifying a lot 
of weeks for toolonglimit.

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