[Xymon] Should Blue State Stop Notifications?

Stephen Carville (xymon list) scarville at lereta.com
Mon May 18 15:08:23 CEST 2020

Recently we moved all of our oracle databases to an Oracle Database 
Appliance (ODA).  Unfortunately, on one database, some java bugs 
prevented a stored procedure from running correctly.  The decision was 
made to point all the processes back to the "old" server and now the 
database on the ODA goes up and down as they DBAs test. I dutifully put 
it in a blue state but I still get emails telling me when it goes down.

Is this correct behavior?

I run a shell script on the ODA that checks the status of each database 
and sends it to XYMon.

Stephen Carville
Master of Turning Crappy Tools into Crappy Miracles
A consilia hominis et Deus cachinnus.

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