[Xymon] Alternate devmon SNMP

Bruno Manzoni bruno.manzoni at ubi-network.ch
Thu May 9 12:47:27 CEST 2019


I created a repo with "devmon" github/bonomani and included all
patches/contrib and resolved all bugs I can. (I try to integrate all
patches, bugs and features from SF) see the REAMDE for details

This is not an official update of current "devmon" but I have
difficulties to have an answer on current sourceforge repo, so I decided
to publish what I have done. (I did not have any answer on my patches
after myn years!?)

As i am working on Centos, there are some specific things for systemd.

I trying also to contact devmon admins to merge this work or part of
it,  so if you have a clue...

If you want to test this work, you should simply take the files in the
"modules" dir and it should work...with your current installation

And of course any suggestions are welcome!


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