[Xymon] Call for 4.3.29 Patches

Bruce Ferrell bferrell at baywinds.org
Wed Mar 27 00:23:33 CET 2019

On 3/26/19 2:27 PM, Axel Beckert wrote:
> Hi JC,
> On Tue, Mar 26, 2019 at 01:37:32PM -0700, Japheth Cleaver wrote:
>> I'm pushing for a release of 4.3.29 relatively soon.
> Cool, thanks!
>> I've been trying to go through the backlog to identify un-applied
>> patches, but I know there are some that I'm missing. If you have
>> build fixes or runtime changes that have not yet been put in in
>> 4.3.29 already (see:
>> https://sourceforge.net/p/xymon/code/HEAD/tree/branches/4.3.29/Changes),
>> I'd appreciate if you could point them out.
> Here are the patches Debian applies to 4.3.28:
> https://salsa.debian.org/debian/xymon/tree/master/debian/patches
> I'll try to categorize them quickly:
> Missing fixes:
> * 39_kfreebsd-makefile.patch: Support for the GNU/kFreeBSD
>    architecture/platform (i.e. FreeBSD kernel with GNU instead of BSD
>    userland).
> * 42_bbcombotest-fix.patch: Fix bbcombotest: "Could not access hobbitd
>    board, error 0". (Don't have more details, sorry. Christoph might
>    perhaps remember more details.)
> * 63_netstat-ant-vs-ipv6-address-truncating.patch: Port monitoring
>    seems to cut off IPv6 addresses. This seems to be unrelated to "Fix
>    RRD parsing for recent netstat (net-tools) on Linux".
> * 66_apache2.4.patch: Some Apache 2.4 fixes. Since Apache 2.2 is End
>    of Life already, IMHO you do not need to care for the old syntax
>    anymore. Then again, some distributions with long-term support might
>    still have Apache 2.2, so you might want to cross-check if that has
>    some impact there.
> * 84_fix_compilation_on_GNU_Hurd.patch: Fixes compilation on the GNU
>    Hurd architecture/platform.
> * 90_fix-spelling-errors.patch: Spelling error fixes.
> Can't be used 1:1, but shows what is missing:
> * 51_hardening-buildflags.patch: CFLAGS are hardcoded and don't
>    respect any such environment variable.
> Feature patches:
> * 27_hobbit_files_ifexist.patch: Adds an "ifexist" feature to the
>    files check.
> Might be no more needed:
> * 69_disk-no-duplicate-root.patch: Ignore duplicate submissions for
>    the "/" partition. For a while Debian and some other distributions
>    report the root partition twice because it got remounted during
>    boot. I though don't see that behaviour on a current Debian Stable
>    anymore.
> State unclear:
> * 33_526176-ldap.patch: There seems to be an LDAP API change necessary
>    some time in the future (for 10 years now) and this seems to be the
>    lazy workaround. See https://bugs.debian.org/526176
>    I must admit, I'm not sure if that's still necessary. This has been
>    added to Debian in April 2009, but
>    https://sourceforge.net/p/xymon/code/HEAD/tree/branches/4.3.29/Changes
>    says that Hernik worked on this in November 2008 and it was included
>    in the 4.2.2 release in December 2008. And Debian shipped 4.2.2 in
>    January 2009 and added this patch in April 2009 with 4.3.0 beta2. So
>    those things don't seem to have overlapped each other. And these
>    changelog entries don't sound as if this has been fixed properly
>    ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>    r5990 | storner | 2008-11-28 07:43:02 +0100 (Fri, 28 Nov 2008) | 1 line
>    Changed paths:
>       M /branches/4.2.2/build/test-ldap.c
>    Build properly with new OpenLDAP API by using deprecated functions.
>    ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>    […]
>    ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>    r5995 | storner | 2008-11-28 10:27:42 +0100 (Fri, 28 Nov 2008) | 1 line
>    Changed paths:
>       M /branches/4.2.2/bbnet/ldaptest.h
>    Build properly with new OpenLDAP API by using deprecated functions (missed ldaptest.h in previous commit)
>    ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>    But then again, I'd wonder why this "lazy" fix worked for now 10
>    years without causing issues with the deprecated LDAP functions
>    finally being removed.
> (Probably)already included patches:
> * 00_htmlcontenttype.patch: Seems to be "Ensure Content-Type always
>    set in HTML headers (Thanks, Christoph Berg)"
> * 24_hobbitclient-tmpfs.patch: Might be "Ignore additional common
>    tmpfs partitions on recent Linux", but you might want to
>    cross-check.
> * 87_fix_logfetch_FTBFS_with_glibc_2.26.patch: Applied in r8030.
> These seem to be Debian specific patches are are marked as not needing
> to be forwarded to upstream, so you can safely ignore them:
> * 03_doc-paths.patch: Debian-specific path changes.
> * 09_hobbitclient-debian.patch: Adds a dpkg section to client reports.
> * 12_hobbitvars.patch: Debian-specific path changes.
> * 21_FHS-instead-FSSTND-in-example-in-man-page.patch: Debian-specific
>    path changes.
> * 30_prefer-packaged-temp-plugin-over-unpackaged-devmon.patch:
>    Different default settings with regards to one plugin.
> * 45_fix-configure-for-multiarch.patch: Debian-specific generated
>    paths.
> * 48_png-multiarch.patch: Debian-specific generated paths.
> 		Kind regards, Axel
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while Apache 2.2 is EOL, there are a LOT of distros and installations that still have it running running back ports.

I'd say it costs nothing to leave in and has the potential of creating a lot of heartache by taking it out... Even if Debian does like it that way.

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