[Xymon] Lost procs

Michael T Pins mtpins at nndev.org
Sat Jun 22 14:42:28 CEST 2019

Seip, Christopher writes:

>For one of my Xymon clients running xymon-client, the procs column has disa=

>My narrative of how this started & what we did lacks some clarity. I think =
>procs was visible last week. If it was there I'd bet a paycheck the status =
>was clear.

Which means you didn't have any process checks for it defined.  Which is

> One day last week it went purple.

Which means the client stopped reporting the process data (generally the
output of a `ps` command.

>So we began troubleshooting & fiddling with it, puzzled by the purple statu=
>s. I was able to drop the procs test for that host, and it vanished from th=
>e web UI.

>Then I defined a PROC test for this host in analysis.cfg. We do all our cli=
>ent configuration on the Xymon server and avoid the local configs of Xymon =
>clients. This PROC test, in fact the PROC column for this group (of which o=
>nly this one host is locally monitored), isn't showing up. Hm.

Which means that client still isn't reporting the output of `ps`.

>We've been poking at this puzzle long enough to ask for some help, please. =
>Any thoughts?

Look at the clientlog column for that client.  Do you see anything under

Is there anything interesting in the xymon logs on the client (usually, but
not always, in ~xymon/client/logs).

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