[Xymon] IP address

Schminke_Erik_D EDSchminke at Hormel.com
Fri Jun 14 14:23:19 CEST 2019

What exactly do you not see working?  Xymon really has a number of moving pieces that all work together.  From a network perspective, there is Xymon daemon and a Web server.  The Xymon daemon accepts and routes messages from clients.  Other components processes those messages and ultimately static HTML pages get generated.  Then a web server serves up those HTML pages for you to view.

Based on the netstat output you posted, I'm guessing the Xymon daemon is (probably) accepting and processing messages just fine, but when you attempt to view the Web interface, you're not seeing anything.

Something (I'm assuming Xymon) is binding to the standard port on "any configured IP address" (, but I'm not seeing anything LISTENING on port 80 or 443.  Going to be hard to view the web interface without that.

What OS (and version) are you running this from?
What did you use for a Web server?  Apache? Nginx?

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