[Xymon] Clean up logs

Root, Paul T Paul.Root at CenturyLink.com
Wed Nov 15 16:04:26 CET 2017

Trim history is in the xymon server executables directory. Whatever that is in your system.  Should be the same place that xymon, xymoncmd, xymonlaunch, etc.

On my system it is /usr/lib64/xymon/server/bin.  The teribithia port might have it in /usr/sbin.

From: manoj biswakarma [mailto:manojbiswakarma at yahoo.com]
Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 8:17 AM
To: xymon at xymon.com; Dirk Kastens
Subject: Re: [Xymon] Clean up logs

Can you please share your script weems the path might be different than mine but i can change those and use it>

#  /bin/su - xymon -c '/usr/libexec/xymon/trimhistory --cutoff=`date +%s --date="today -1 year"` --drop --droplogs --env=/etc/xymon/xymonserver.cfg'
-bash: /usr/libexec/xymon/trimhistory: No such file or directory

Manoj Biswakarma (Manoj)

On ‎Wednesday‎, ‎November‎ ‎15‎, ‎2017‎ ‎02‎:‎42‎:‎07‎ ‎AM‎ ‎EST, Dirk Kastens <dirk.kastens at uni-osnabrueck.de<mailto:dirk.kastens at uni-osnabrueck.de>> wrote:


I'm running a script from cron.daily that cleans up my data:

/bin/su - xymon -c '/usr/libexec/xymon/trimhistory --cutoff=`date +%s
--date="today -1 year"` --drop --droplogs --env=/etc/xymon/xymonserver.cfg'
/bin/find /var/lib/xymon/hostdata -type f -mtime +7 -delete



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