[Xymon] Strange error in alerts.log

Jeremy Laidman jlaidman at rebel-it.com.au
Wed Mar 15 20:41:50 CET 2017

On 16 March 2017 at 06:24, David Boyer <davieb at gmail.com> wrote:

> Anybody have any info on this error in ~xymon/server/logs/alert.log?
> Whoops ! Failed to send message (select(2) failed)
> -> Select failure while sending to Xymon daemon at
> -> Recipent '', timeout 15
> -> 1st line: 'config hosts.cfg'
> Cannot load hosts.cfg from xymond, code 6
> Failed to load from xymond, reverting to file-load

I'm guessing this is displayed when xymond_alert asks xymond to give it the
"hosts.cfg" file contents, but the xymond process is not responding at that
time. The fact that you get a timeout after 15 seconds, rather than being
refused, suggests that either the xymond daemon was running but wedged, or
that a firewall was dropping packets so the socket could not be established
in the first place. I'm not a coder, but my guess is that select(2) is
called after the socket is up, and so a wedged xymond is more likely.

Why would xymond not respond? Perhaps high CPU load, or memory thrashing?

Do you see these log messages often? If it's only occasionally, are they
all about the same time of day?

Can you run this command and see if it gives the hosts.cfg file:

$ /path/to/xymon 'config hosts.cfg'

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