[Xymon] Threshold Logic Alerting : The complete opposite

Jeremy Laidman jlaidman at rebel-it.com.au
Mon Jul 10 16:33:30 CEST 2017

Hello Bradley

On 10 July 2017 at 19:15, Bradley Radjoo [ MTN South Africa ] <
Bradley.Radjoo at mtn.com> wrote:

> Hi there,
> Is it possible to configure an alert upon a threshold not been exceeded
> but when it’s falls below a certain threshold.

Yes it is.

> Example:  If real memory usage fall’s below 20%, an alert is then sent

 In analysis.cfg, you can specify memory parameters MEMSWAP, MEMACT and
MEMPHYS. But it only alerts on passing above a specified threashold, hence
your question, I'm guessing.

However, the memory parameters are stored in RRD files, and the "DS" option
in analysis.cfg allows you to set a threshold in either direction. An
example might be:

DS memory memory.actual.rrd:realmempct <20 COLOR=yellow TEXT="Memory usage
&V% has dropped below &L%"

The "DS" option is used to modify an existing test that is otherwise green.
Refer to the "DS" section of analysis.cfg for more information.

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