[Xymon] Analysis.cfg Host name help

Root, Paul T Paul.Root at CenturyLink.com
Wed Jul 13 15:15:05 CEST 2016

You need to preface the name with a % to indicate the hostname is a wildcard


From: Xymon [mailto:xymon-bounces at xymon.com] On Behalf Of Nathan Gaston
Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2016 1:35 PM
To: xymon at xymon.com
Subject: [Xymon] Analysis.cfg Host name help

I am editing my Analysis.cfg file trying to group similar servers together.
I am having unpredictable results and would appreciate some help.
I am trying to get servers grouped with wild cards as such
#V for virtua
To monitor port 80 on all (Physical and Virtual) webservers I have the following.
        PORT "LOCAL=%([.:]80)$" state=LISTENING TEXT=HTTP
Then in the following block I want to monitor VM tools is running on my VM webservers.

HOST=serverwebV*prod l
        #Monitor for the service running
        PROC vmtoolsd.exe 1
        #Monitor for the service running
        SVC VMTools startup=automatic status=started

Problem is that my non-virtual web servers are RED because they are looking for the VMWare Tools services.
What am I doing wrong?

Thank you for your help
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