[Xymon] HTTP Status 301

J.C. Cleaver cleaver at terabithia.org
Thu Jan 28 20:14:31 CET 2016

On Thu, January 28, 2016 7:50 am, Foster Patch wrote:
> Hello,
> No matter what I do, I cannot get rid of this http error on xymon. Here is
> the line for my includes:
> AccuWeatherStore # noconn http://www.accuweatherstore.com/
> httpstatus=http;http://www.accuweatherstore.com/;301;


For this, you don't need the URL entered separately there. The httpstatus
(and other similarly-modified HTTP checks) already imply that, and the
column specifier '=http' might actually be being transmitted, but
immediately overwritten by the "overall" http status.

All you should need is: AccuWeatherStore # noconn

When I add that in, I get the single green test:

Thu Jan 28 11:12:15 2016: OK (HTTP status 301)

&green http://www.accuweatherstore.com/ - OK (HTTP status 301)


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