[Xymon] Create an Alert that Staggers Script Execution

Kyle Bassett kylebassett at gmail.com
Sun Jan 17 03:37:37 CET 2016

Hi all, happy 2016 ;-)

I'm trying to configure my alerts to trigger different scripts based on how
long the host has been offline.  I can write up something outside of xymon,
but I figured someone might have a more elegant solution.

If I do not specify a DURATION, xymon will trigger the multiple scripts.
With a DURATION defined, xymon will only trigger the lowest specified
DURATION (in the following example, the first "immediate" script).

Does anyone have thoughts on how to trigger the scripts in a staggered

Example hobbit-alerts.cfg
HOST=apple SERVICE=conn
    SCRIPT alert_group1.sh 123456 REPEAT=8h RECOVERED   #immediate
    SCRIPT alert_group2.sh 123456 REPEAT=1h DURATION>1 RECOVERED   #1min
    SCRIPT alert_group3.sh 123456 REPEAT=1h DURATION>3 RECOVERED   #3min

Thanks in advance for the help,

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