[Xymon] analysis.cfg, part 2

Galen Johnson Galen.Johnson at sas.com
Tue Jan 5 03:02:10 CET 2016

One more...I have some file tests that are testing for file ages and I want them to go yellow at one threshold, red later...I have rules similar to the following:

        FILE %/localvolume/customer/.*/schedule/.*.xml$ yellow TYPE=FILE MTIME<2700
        FILE %/localvolume/customer/.*/schedule/.*.xml$ red TYPE=FILE MTIME<3600

is there a more succinct way to put that in like:

        FILE %/localvolume/customer/.*/schedule/.*.xml$ yellow TYPE=FILE MTIME<2700 red TYPE=FILE MTIME<3600?

I can't see anything helpful in the man pages or analysis.cfg file itself...the entire FILE section is confusing and somewhat contradictory.  It would be nice if all the tests were consistent with regards to color...for example:

        LOG filename match-pattern [COLOR=color] [IGNORE=ignore-pattern] [TEXT=displaytext]
        FILE filename [color] [things to check] [TRACK]

Note there is no "color=" component for FILE (and others).  I think this was actually causing a false positive with some of the tests that were set up to use "COLOR=YELLOW", for example (these went straight to red since that is the default non-green state).

Also, is there really a need for

DIR directory [color] [SIZE<maxsize] [SIZE>minsize] [TRACK]

since I'm pretty sure

FILE /path red TYPE=dir  [SIZE<maxsize] [SIZE>minsize] [TRACK]

is equivalent.



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