[Xymon] Changing interval of tests

J.C. Cleaver cleaver at terabithia.org
Mon Apr 11 03:15:52 CEST 2016

On Sat, April 9, 2016 8:02 am, john boris wrote:
> I have searched for changing the interval time between tests. I have a
> system I need to monitor and they want to have it checked for connectivity
> every minute. I only need it for that host. I can't find anywhere in the
> documentation which states how oftent the tests are run or how you change
> the interval.
> --
> John J. Boris, Sr.


In a simple cases, default install and no custom tests, adjust the
"INTERVAL" value for [xymonnet] in tasks.cfg on your xymond server, and
then the [xymonclient] sections in clientlaunch.cfg on your client
systems... It's actually not as simple a question as it might seem at
first, though :)

Xymon operates with a push-based model, so there's no "central scheduler"
with which to schedule test intervals. They're a function of how often the
various testing sub-systems run, and/or generate reports. The client
status pages (disk space, memory, cpu, etc.) are generated immediately
whenever client *data* is received, which is pushed up at that interval
from the clients themselves. Network polling occurs when the xymonnet
program is launched and reports back.

In simple systems, that's basically it. But Xymon can be easily customized
by admins at larger sites to handle all sorts of cases like inverse
message retrieval, multiple xymonnet servers, multiple copies of xymonnet
at different intervals, custom tests from any source running at different
intervals, etc.

Think of testing intervals as more an emergent property of the system as a
whole; what you're doing is setting up a message bus upon which test
results are received from arbitrary generators at desired intervals.

Xymon, unlike many other monitoring systems, operates completely with a
push model, which means there's no central scheduler which defines test
intervals, so test frequency is an emergent property, depending on how the
admin has set things up. In simple cases it's simple, but

Client data is pushed up according to

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