[Xymon] Xymon 4.3.22-beta Release Download

Andy Smith abs at shadymint.com
Fri Oct 30 11:36:20 CET 2015

J.C. Cleaver wrote:
> Hello all!
> Xymon-4.3.22-beta has been posted to Sourceforge, containing bug fixes and
> a smattering of new features and improvements since 4.3.21. It's reachable
> at
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/xymon/files/Xymon/4.3.22/xymon-4.3.22-beta.tar.gz/download
> Some notable changes are at
> https://sourceforge.net/projects/xymon/files/Xymon/4.3.22/, while the full
> Changelog is at
> https://sourceforge.net/p/xymon/code/7707/tree/branches/4.x-master/Changes
> I know there are a few pending bug fixes already that I'd like to get in
> before the next release (multigraphs, if I can track down the source),
> however the number of features warrants some testing. Please let me know
> if you notice any issues (especially on non-Linux systems, as I don't have
> as much direct access to those).
> In particular, the changes in how xymonnet interprets 301/401/403 HTTP
> status codes could cause some confusion. Those who've customized their
> NTPDATE or TRACEROUTE command lines should check out the new Options
> variables. And finally, it would be helpful to have high volume
> environments (>60000 hosts) testing the "noflap" option for any notable
> performance impact. (It should be very slight.)
> If all goes okay, I'd like to release the final 4.3.22 some time next week.

I never got any feedback regarding the chpasswd patch, it adds further 
(unpublished) functionality similar to useradm.cgi, we have need of this 
  and would appreciate it if could be added to the main distribution.

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