[Xymon] your opinion on Xymon HA (or dual server config).

Randall Badilla Castro rbadilla at grupocesa.com
Tue Dec 15 23:11:30 CET 2015

The new site administrator has been happy with the simplicity and 
usability of Xymon.
Then have asked for more changes over our actual config.
Currently I have one (kind of resource limited) Sparc V210 as xymon 
server. But have find out then sometimes the apache or xymond process 
coredump by some mistakes or changes. Sometimes we notice when this 
happen so just restart the process or server. But when the problem 
arises and we don't notice the problem; after 8 hours there is a lot of 
rrd data that can't be showed. (We can't send sms or emails out of the 
site domain).

So my boss have asked to make an another xymon server; to workout 
changes on one and keep the other with the older config till the new 
changes are "stable".
I have read the HA section but I'm unsure that can justify a cluster. So 
my question is if I have two xymon servers with the same config and tell 
the clients that report to both of them; can this scenario accomplish 
the task ?
I think that my boss is requesting a kind of pre-production/ production 
config. So I though two same config servers fit the scenario or must use 
the cluster ??

Any input is welcome!

Thanks a lot!


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