[Xymon] UDP open ports monitoring

Henrik Størner henrik at hswn.dk
Sun Mar 16 15:22:47 CET 2014

Den 16-03-2014 13:42, Christian skrev:
> Hi.
> I would like to monitor UDP ports as TCP ports, with the client module,
> and a display in the "ports" column. I don't understand why this module is
> limited to TCP connections, and I would like to extend it to active UDP
> connections.
> Why does the client module run a "netstat -ant" command (file
> "xymonclient-linux.sh")? Is there a reason not to add UDP connections as
> well?

UDP doesn't have "connections" as such, so you will only be able to list 
the ports where there is a local process listening for incoming datagrams.

That might make sense in some cases, but you can usually do this just be 
looking for the right process to be running.

> What would be the best solution? Clone the section and run a "netstat
> -anu"? Patch the existing client and run "netstat -antu"? Another solution?

I tried with the Linux client, and you can change the existing client 
code to run "netstat -antu" instead of just "netstat -ant" - this won't 
cause any problems.

I am not sure if the server-side of the client will be able to pick up 
those UDP ports, because they haven't got anything in the "State" 
column. You'll have to try that.


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