[Xymon] Exclude Windows service Monitor for host

Henrik Størner henrik at hswn.dk
Thu Mar 13 08:42:04 CET 2014


Den 2014-03-13 4:47, brad.morris at depi.vic.gov.au skrev: 

> We have
xymon running and have the following in the analysis.cfg 
> SVC VMTools startup=automatic status=started
> The
problem is we have about 10 servers that are physical of over 200
servers so of course we now get warnings from xymon is reporting the
service VMTools as RED. 
> How can I configure the system to exclude
the physical servers from reporting the VMTools service is not running
when it is not even installed on the physical servers?

Add an
"EXHOST=host1,host2,..." to that SVC line (or the CLASS line, doesn't
matter which). You can also use a regular expression to match the hosts
if that is easier. 


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