[Xymon] XYmon in a DMZ

L.M.J linuxmasterjedi at free.fr
Mon Mar 10 19:07:12 CET 2014


  Can someone explain me if I could do this with XYmon !
   1) DMZ hosts send all data to a "local DMZ xymon"
   2) XYmon global server fetch all data from this "local DMZ xymon"

  I bet I have to use "xymonproxy", but I read and re-read the documentation,
  it's very cristal clear for me. Can someone explain to the big picture
  please ?

  Also, I have hosts in a remote site, I installed a Xymon server there. Remote
  hosts report to this remote XYmon server. For a few hosts, I add an extra IP
  to XYMSERVERS and it sends also data to my XYmon global server
  Is it the best to do it ? Like the previous questin, can the XYmon global
  server fetch data from the remote Xymon server.

  With my choice : 1 global xymon, 1 on each remote location, I have to watch a
  couple of the XYmon pages, I don't have an global overview...

  How do you guys do ?  Any Xymon architecture advices is welcome !


 "May the source be with you my young padawan"

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