[Xymon] netstat column and netstat.rrd with german windows

Jeremy Laidman jlaidman at rebel-it.com.au
Wed Jan 29 02:25:17 CET 2014

On 29 January 2014 02:55, Körfer, Thomas <t.koerfer at gevasys.de> wrote:

> I think the test expects the english words for the counters.
> Is it possible to add multi language support?

Can you show examples of the [netstat] section from both English and German

The code specifically looks for strings like "udpReceiveErrors" and
"tcpActiveOpens".  If the client data doesn't show these, then it's not
going to work.  The strings are hard-coded in xymond/rrd/do_netstat.c in a
struct variable called "netstat_win32_markers".

I would think that it's a big job to make Xymon multi-lingual with regards
to input from clients.  There are several places where Xymon expects
certain strings in client data (not just for netstat), and for each one,
there would need to be a block of strings for an array (literally) of
languages.  To support this, the data structures would need to be redefined.

I suspect that many UNIX systems present netstat output in English, and
that's what Xymon expects.  I think work-arounds for language-dependent
strings on the client are probably best addressed on the client.  To do so
probably means that the client must change the way it collects the data, so
that instead of simply using the strings provided by the "netstat -s"
output, it might need to get the data by the row number.

Another option might be to tweak the client's Windows installation, so that
the German language file cannot be found (perhaps temporarily) for the
netstat command, so that it falls back to EN-US.  To do so, I think you can
just rename (or change permissions on)

It might be that if %SYSTEMROOT% is changed to something else, during the
execution of the netstat command (eg in a batch file), then netstat will
run correctly, but not find the .mui language file, and similarly fall-back
to EN-US.

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