[Xymon] alert config feature request

Henrik Størner henrik at hswn.dk
Mon Jan 20 22:10:50 CET 2014

Den 20-01-2014 21:57, Galen Johnson skrev:
> For some reason, it ignores the entry if I do the following:
> hosts.cfg entry:
> oda01au.example.com <http://oda01au.example.com>  # conn
> ssh pulldata NAME:odaws01-us CLIENT:oda01au CLASS:workspace
> CLASS=workspace
>          PROC "ObjectSpawner"
>          PROC "/pbr/sfw/sas/930/SASFoundation/9.3/sasexe/sas" 0 225
> yellow TRACK=sas "TEXT=SAS Sessions"
>          PORT "LOCAL=%[\.:]8591$" state=LISTEN "TEXT=Workspace Server"
>          PORT "REMOTE=%[\.:]8561$" state=ESTABLISHED MIN=0 TRACK=omr
> "TEXT=Active Connections to Metadata Server"
>          PORT "LOCAL=%[\.:]8591$" state=ESTABLISHED MIN=0 TRACK=ws
> "TEXT=Active Connections to SASMain Workspace Server"
> Admittedly, I don't have --class=Classname on the client but was hoping
> that having it in the hosts.cfg would be enough.  I'm going to test it
> but was curious if that was required...even if it matches.

Hmmm ... I am not sure what happens when you have the CLASS: setting in 
hosts.cfg, but the client also sends a class-name in the client data. 
Which one takes precedence?

Looking at the code it seems that the one from hosts.cfg should overrule 
the client data, but right now I cannot test it.

The only way you can really see what the class setting is, is by 
watching the status-channel data:
    xymoncmd xymond_channel --channel=status \
	egrep "^..status.*<hostname>"
(you need to be the xymon user for that to work). The classname is field 
#16 (just before the page-path where the host is found).


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