[Xymon] A simple xymon client in Powershell
Ribeiro, Glauber
glauber.ribeiro at experian.com
Wed Jan 15 16:16:50 CET 2014
Check this out!
From: Xymon [mailto:xymon-bounces at xymon.com] On Behalf Of Jeremy Laidman
Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 01:15
To: xymon at xymon.com
Subject: [Xymon] A simple xymon client in Powershell
I thought some of you might find this useful. It's an implementation of the "xymon" client program written in 6 lines of Powershell, It lacks the ability to wait for data returned by the Xymon server, but it's fine for sending status and data messages.
param($xymsrv=$(throw "ERROR: Specify xymon server and message lines"))
$socket=(new-object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient($xymsrv,1984))
$writer=new-object System.IO.StreamWriter $socket.GetStream()
if ($args[0] -eq "@") { foreach ($line in Get-Content $args[1]) {$writer.Write($line+"`n")} }
else { foreach ($line in $args) {$writer.Write($line+"`n")} }
You could run it like this:
C:\>powershell -file xymon-powershell.ps1 %XYMSRV% "status %COMPUTERNAME%.mytest green %DATE% %TIME%" "The status of 'mytest' is 'satisfactory' at %DATE% %TIME%" "" "here's the last line"
or if you have the status/data message in a file:
C:\>powershell -file xymon-powershell.ps1 %XYMSRV% @ statusfile.txt
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