[Xymon] MQ monitoring on Windows

Ribeiro, Glauber glauber.ribeiro at experian.com
Mon Jan 13 21:15:16 CET 2014

OK, here’s what it needs to be:

1) If you put the text file in the tmp directory (which is what I do in Windows with BBWin):

color timestamp, etc
Rest of your data

So, the first line has to be the “color” (the word green, red, or yellow), a space, and the timestamp, plus optionally some short text you want to display in big font. But definitely the color has to be the first word on the first line, or it won’t work. After the first line, come whatever detail lines you want to send. The file name must be the column name for xymon server, i.e, you name the file “mq” (not mq.txt, just mq).

2) In Unix, I use the xymon utility, and I suppose bbwincmd works the same way. In that case, the format is documented in http://xymon.com/xymon/help/manpages/man1/xymon.1.html under “XYMON MESSAGE SYNTAX”. The message type you want is status.

Assuming your client name is set to client.domain.com, your data must look like this:

status client,domain,com.mq green timestamp, etc
Rest of the data

Notice the hostname has commas instead of dots. Notice the column name after the host. Notice that the data MUST start with the word “status”, or it won’t work. As you can see in the URL above, there are a few optional things. The Lifetime parameter is very useful for tests that run less often than every 5 minutes. If lifetime is 40 minutes, the format would be 

status+40 ... ... ... 

I think with this information, you’ll be able to make it work. Good luck, and let us know!

Like I said above, with BBWin I always use the method of dropping a text file in the tmp directory.


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