[Xymon] BBwin 0.13 and Mountpoints

Mario rower.master at gmail.com
Wed Jan 8 14:15:40 CET 2014


I have 2 cases here.
The first one is a SQL Server Cluster design.
And the second one is a Oracle Server with 6 database instances.
Each database has a separated mount point and this is used to make possible
a restore in production for a single db using a recovery point tool.


On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 6:14 PM, Malcolm Hunter <malcolm.hunter at gmx.com>wrote:

>   That seems like a really unusual filesystem structure. What's the
> reasoning behind that design?
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> On 6 January 2014 19:23:04 Mario <rower.master at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I´m trying to fix the issue with the graphs creation for windows
>> mountpoints and bbwin 0.13.
>> The issue is that we only have graphs for the single drive letters and
>> not for the mountpoints using the bbwin 0.13.
>> Another problem is even if the graphs were working we could not have
>> duplicated names for different drive letters.
>> Filesystem
>>   1K-blocks     Used       Avail    Capacity   Total Size   Free Space
>> Type    Status   Mount Point
>> C                        62811132   49966236   12844896    79%
>> 59.90 GB     12.25 GB   FIXED     green      N/A
>> D
>> 116043772    1100880  114942892     0%        110.67 GB    109.62 GB
>> FIXED     green      N/A
>> E                       943848444  533077788  410770656    56%
>> 900.12 GB    391.74 GB   FIXED     green      N/A
>> F
>>  943848444  495800916  448047528    52%        900.12 GB    427.29 GB
>> FIXED     green      N/A
>> J                        20970492   14764648    6205844    70%
>> 20.00 GB      5.92 GB   FIXED     green      N/A
>> DadosLocal_Diversos_A
>> 1237451772  928809832  308641940    75%          1.15 TB    294.34 GB
>> FIXED     green      J:\DadosLocal_Diversos_A\
>> DadosLocal_Diversos_B  1782825980 1216555488  566270492    68%
>> 1.66 TB    540.04 GB   FIXED     green
>> J:\DadosLocal_Diversos_B\
>> Tempdb                  104869884   54526796
>> 50343088    51%        100.01 GB     48.01 GB   FIXED     green
>> J:\Tempdb\
>> Log_Local               199235580  135337320   63898260    67%
>> 190.01 GB     60.94 GB   FIXED     green
>> J:\Log_Local\
>> I´ve already modified the winPSclient to consider the mountpoints and If
>> I use this client I have all the graphs created without any problem.
>> But I don´t want to continue changing or adding a server agent everytime
>> a server administrator configure a mountpoint in a server.
>> WinPSCLient output example where I have all graphs created:
>> Mon 06 Jan 16:44:55 2014 - Filesystems OK
>> Filesystem      1K-blocks      Used     Avail  Capacity    Mounted
>> Summary(Total\Avail GB)
>> C                52377596  39455096  12922500       75%   /FIXED/C
>> 49.95gb\12.32gb
>> D                90254332  82510624   7743708       91%   /FIXED/D
>> 86.07gb\7.38gb
>> F                10482684     91992  10390692        1%   /FIXED/F
>> 10.00gb\9.91gb
>> F:\ORAARCHIVE    10482684     85608  10397076        1%
>> /FIXED/F:\ORAARCHIVE 10.00gb\9.92gb
>> F:\ORABACKUP01   10482684   1638116   8844568       16%
>> /FIXED/F:\ORABACKUP01 10.00gb\8.43gb
>> F:\ORADATA01     41939964  31552684  10387280       75% /FIXED/F:\ORADATA01
>> 40.00gb\9.91gb
>> I                10482684     84468  10398216        1%   /FIXED/I
>> 10.00gb\9.92gb
>> I:\ORAARCHIVE     5239804     54772   5185032        1%
>> /FIXED/I:\ORAARCHIVE 5.00gb\4.94gb
>> I:\ORABACKUP01   52425724     93492  52332232        0%
>> /FIXED/I:\ORABACKUP01 50.00gb\49.91gb
>> I:\ORADATA01    209712124     98292 209613832        0% /FIXED/I:\ORADATA01
>> 200.00gb\199.90gb
>> J                10482684     96676  10386008        1%   /FIXED/J
>> 10.00gb\9.90gb
>> J:\OraArchive     5239804    125628   5114176        2%
>> /FIXED/J:\OraArchive 5.00gb\4.88gb
>> J:\ORADATA01    207614972 136793092  70821880       66% /FIXED/J:\ORADATA01
>> 198.00gb\67.54gb
>> J:\ORATEMP       41939964  33645564   8294400       80% /FIXED/J:\ORATEMP
>> 40.00gb\7.91gb
>> I´ve tried some modifications on do_disk.c but without sucess.
>> I´ve created a new dsystype called DT_MOUNTPOINT:
>> *else if (strstr(msg, "Mount Point")) dsystype = DT_MOUNTPOINT;... if (
>> (dsystype == DT_MOUNTPOINT) && (*(columns[9])) && (strchr(columns[11],
>> '/')) )                dsystype = DT_MOUNTPOINT; if ( (dsystype ==
>> DT_MOUNTPOINT) && (*(columns[9])) && (strchr(columns[11], ':'))
>> )                dsystype = DT_MOUNTPOINT;*
>> And here at the "case DT_MOUNTPOINT" is where the things are not good.
>> I´ve tried to get the the column[11] but unfortunately we have
>> backslashes.
>> I´ve tried several ways, but I´m not good in c as I would like to and
>> after many many tests I´m asking for a help or if you can put this on Xymon
>> todo list.
>> I´m using xymon 4.3.0-beta2 , sorry if this was already solved in the
>> last version. I´ve checked the do_disk.c file on the last stable but
>> couldn´t see this solution.
>> *case DT_MOUNTPOINT:                         diskname =
>> xstrdup(columns[11]);                        if (strstr(diskname, "N/A"))
>> {                        diskname =
>> xstrdup(columns[0]);                        }                        else {
>>                         diskname =
>> xstrdup(columns[11]);                        }
>> /*sprintf(diskname, "/%s", columns[11]);*/                        p =
>> strchr(columns[4], '%'); if (p) *p = ' ';                         pused =
>> atoi(columns[4]);                        aused = str2ll(columns[2],
>> NULL);                        break;*
>> I´ve tried to use the diskname as columns[0] but doesn´t work for the
>> mountpoints too.
>> The case DT_BBWin format that works for the winPSclient doesn´t work if I
>> use the diskname as columns[0] or columns[11].
>> case DT_BBWIN:
>> *diskname = xmalloc(strlen(columns[0])+2);            sprintf(diskname,
>> "/%s", columns[0]);*
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Mario
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