[Xymon] One trend page for more than one host

Jeremy Laidman jlaidman at rebel-it.com.au
Tue Dec 9 07:31:50 CET 2014

On 8 December 2014 at 09:43, Vernon Everett <everett.vernon at gmail.com>

> My solution to the same problem, was to craft my own web page.

As a variation on this theme, in the past I've used a wiki to do this, so
that anyone can craft up their own custom web page, embedding only the
images they care about.  Requires no HTML skills.

As I've just discovered, you can even do this in a Word document, by
embedding an image by URL:

Insert -> Quick Parts -> IncludePicture -> (paste URL into FIlename field)
-> (tick "Data not stored with document") -> OK.

Or: Insert -> Picture -> (paste URL into Filename field) -> Insert and Link

The results are somehow different objects, but as far as the images go,
they behave the same.

To refresh the images in the document, select all (or the image you want to
refresh) and press F9. This could be run from a macro button.

This is a good format to send to a manager who doesn't want to wade through
dozens of different trends pages to find what's useful; or for instructions
for a change that requires pre- and post-change monitoring of the graphs.

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