[Xymon] how to fetch the Xymon max CPU usage value during chosen time period

ROZEK Michal michal.rozek.externe at cnp.fr
Wed Sep 4 16:28:14 CEST 2013

For my last question I have found this for the memory stats:

rrdtool graph /tmp/Mich.png --vertical-label "% used" --start 1346760355 --end 1378296355 DEF:mymemuse=memory.actual.rrd:realmempct:AVERAGE VDEF:mymemusemax=mymemuse,MAXIMUM VDEF:mymemusemin=mymemuse,MINIMUM VDEF:mymemuseavg=mymemuse,AVERAGE VDEF:mymemusepct=mymemuse,95,PERCENT CDEF:ds0bits=mymemuse,8,* COMMENT:"mem use test\l" AREA:ds0bits#00C000:"Inbound " GPRINT:mymemusemax:"%Smax %6.2lf %Sbps" GPRINT:mymemusemin:"%Smin %6.2lf %Sbps" GPRINT:mymemuseavg:"%Savg %6.2lf %Sbps" GPRINT:mymemusepct:"%Spct %6.2lf %Sbps\l"


rrdtool fetch memory.actual.rrd AVERAGE --start 1346760355 --end 1378296355 |awk '{printf "%.2f\n", $2}' | sort -n | tail -1

But I cannot find how to do it for the CPU… apparently the vm_cpu.rrd file is not a good one.

Je reste à votre disposition pour tout complément d'informations. Cordialement.
Regards / Z poważaniem / تحية خالصة / 敬礼

Michal Rozek

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