[Xymon] Setting win svcs for monitoring using Display names

juha.vuori at pp2.inet.fi juha.vuori at pp2.inet.fi
Tue Nov 26 17:54:13 CET 2013


As a happy user of Xymon for linux, z/VSE and z/VM monitoring since years, I 
now entered into the world of Windows.

We have a win server with a big amount of auto-generated services, which should 
be centrally monitored by Xymon server. The problem is that the Display names 
of the services are human readable, like INV_ABC, but the Service names are 
generated and horrible, like D070AF2E-E343-40B9-9F23-45B8572309F4.

I am running bbwin in centralized mode and Xymon server version 4.3.12, and I 
cannot find any other way to start to monitor these services than putting
        SVC D070AF2E-E343-40B9-9F23-45B8572309F4 startup=automatic 
in analysis.cfg instead of
        SVC INV_ABC startup=automatic status=started
which I would like to use.

Is there a way (a setting in the bbwin client or xymon server) to use Display 
names instead of Service names when referring to the services in analysis.cfg?

To clarify, the data the client sends now already includes the display name:

Name                                StartupType  Status         DisplayName
D070AF2E-E343-40B9-9F23-45B8572309F4 automatic    started        INV_ABC

Juha Vuori

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