[Xymon] rrd network graphs on windows check

B-Art Gillis bacaselo at gmail.com
Mon Jun 24 23:03:58 CEST 2013


Thank you for your answer but I just saw on the graph that the values are
converted to rrd data seem to come from the "do_netstat.c" module.
I just want to graph the TCP/IP trafic using the Windows command "netstat
If I send my test page to the "netstat" test I see the following message in
the rrd_status.log:

2013-06-20 22:34:28 Host 'server1' reports netstat for an unknown OS

I guess that I don't sent all required data to the Xymon server.
Any idea of the requirements and the format?

At this moment I was sending the test in the format:

green ma 24/06/2013 22:56:58,51
[netstat] 144084269 41843593

The value that are available:

Interface Statistics

                                Received               Sent

Bytes                     144681781        42531845
Unicast packets           184396            169026
Non-unicast packets          777              11827
Discards                               0                    0
Errors                                   0                    0
Unknown protocols                0

On Sun, Jun 23, 2013 at 11:32 AM, Jeremy Laidman
<jlaidman at rebel-it.com.au>wrote:

> On 22 June 2013 00:04, B-Art Gillis <bacaselo at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Can someone explain me to which xymon test I should post my ifstat info?
> Typically, ifstat numbers are sent in a "client" message in the [ifstat]
> section.  Example here of an ifstat section:
> http://www.xymon.com/xymon-cgi/svcstatus.sh?CLIENT=blixen.hswn.dk&section=ifstat
> It's for Linux, so the format is all wrong if you're trying to emulate
> BBWin.  But gives you the idea.
> J
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