[Xymon] Antw.: Extra column containing an access protocol (putty, telnet, mstsc)

Malcolm Hunter malcolm.hunter at gmx.com
Mon Mar 12 12:17:49 CET 2012

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Becker Christian
> Sent: 03/12/12 09:46 AM
> To: Malcolm Hunter, xymon at xymon.com
> Subject: AW: [Xymon] Antw.: Extra column containing an access protocol (putty, telnet, mstsc)

> I had to install ssh as a protocol handler as described in here:
> http://schipka.com/archives/34
> Did not work at the first attempt, but after playing around a bit with it, I got it to work.
> Using this as an example I have developed an own protocol handler to handle rdp:// (for windows machines).

The only problem with these hacks is they breach the security of the web browser and are not supported. You also have to configure every user's desktop. I'd rather be a bit less lazy by double-clicking the IP address and pasting it into the appropriate application (e.g. PuTTY, mstsc, etc.)

BBWin Development - The Windows client for Big Brother and Xymon


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