[Xymon] xymond_alert --test

Daniel Beruben daniel.beruben at adsdata.ca
Wed Jun 27 22:55:19 CEST 2012

Hello list,

I have the new version Xymon Version 4.3.7,
I have a strange error … i'm not able to send the mail alert …

I found no information about this error ! ( code 5 )

#./xymond_alert --test w10 disk
2012-06-27 16:34:58 Whoops ! Failed to send message (Connection failed)
2012-06-27 16:34:58 ->  Could not connect to Xymon daemon at (Connection refused)
2012-06-27 16:34:58 ->  Recipient '', timeout 15
2012-06-27 16:34:58 ->  1st line: 'config hosts.cfg'
2012-06-27 16:34:58 Cannot load hosts.cfg from xymond, code 5
2012-06-27 16:34:58 Failed to load from xymond, reverting to file-load
00012367 2012-06-27 16:34:58 send_alert w10:disk state Paging
00012367 2012-06-27 16:34:58 Matching host:service:dgroup:page 'w10:disk:NONE:Unix/UNIX_ADSDATA' against rule line 119
00012367 2012-06-27 16:34:58 Failed 'HOST=dc0 SERVICE=cpu,disk' (hostname not in include list)
00012367 2012-06-27 16:34:58 Matching host:service:dgroup:page 'w10:disk:NONE:Unix/UNIX_ADSDATA' against rule line 122
00012367 2012-06-27 16:34:58 *** Match with 'HOST=w10 SERVICE=cpu,disk' ***
00012367 2012-06-27 16:34:58 Matching host:service:dgroup:page 'w10.adsdata.ca:disk:NONE:Unix/UNIX_ADSDATA' against rule line 122
00012367 2012-06-27 16:34:58 *** Match with 'HOST=w10 SERVICE=cpu,disk' ***
00012367 2012-06-27 16:34:58 Mail alert with command '/var/mail/root "Xymon [12345] w10:disk CRITICAL (RED)" monitoring at adsdata.ca'

If a tried manually it's working !
echo ' test' | mail -s "Xymon [12345] w10:cpu CRITICAL (RED)" monitoring at adsdata.ca

There is my hosts.cfg

------   monitoring      # bbd http://monitoring/

# / Hypervision Page

title Production
include /usr/local/xymon/server/etc/os/unix/unix

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